The GUT-INSTINCT Enneagram Types of 8-9-1 Their virtues and their short-comings.
The following lists are values based words and phrases selected to best describe my understanding of each Enneagram Type.
by Jonathan M Marden
The "LIGHT" Positive side: (healthy well-being)
The Powerful person proceeds to authoritatively defend with courage and strength.
Powerful people are...
- Strong / Courageous
- Leadership / Authoritative
- Assertive / Protective
- Decisive / Formidable
- Takes Charge / Emphatic
- Defender / Forceful
- Warrior / Battler / Deliverer
- Tough / Resilient / Enduring
- Magnanimous / Challenging
- Vigorous / Strenuous
The Peaceful person desires for unity and balance through respectful calmness and ease.
Peaceful people are...
- Calming / Humble / Flexible
- Harmonising / Respectful
- Honouring / Receptive
- Gracious / Accepting / Quiet
- Cooperative / Peace Making
- Consultative / Inclusive
- Reassuring / Alleviating
- Soothing / Reconciling
- Resolving / Tranquil / Serene
- Advocates decency and dignity
The Perfection Seer person sees and acts on what is perceived to be right, proper, just and fair.
Perfection-seeing people are...
- Correcting / Idealist
- Principled / Ethical / Fair
- Judicious / Fastidious
- Truthful / Utopianist
- Improver / Rigorous
- Precise / Meticulous
- Change seeker / Honest
- Visionary / Far-sighted
- Zealous / Seeks Justice
- Diligent / Purifying / Distilling
The "DARKER" Negative side:
(unhealthy well-being)
(8) VORACIOUS - wants supremacy
- brutal / assaultive / belligerent
- threatening / bullying / hostile
- vengeful / vindictive / virulent
and / or...
- cynical / uncaring / unkind
- merciless / embittered / pitiless
-> fears being defeated
-> deflects using intimidation
(9) APATHETIC - wants leisure
- lazy / indolent / idle / has inertia
- unemotional / unwilling / reluctant
- lethargic / self neglectful / languid
and / or...
- impulsive / rash / reckless / unwary
- unguarded / impetuous / brash
-> fears being duty-bound
-> deflects using indifference
(1) SELF RIGHTEOUS - wants purity
- criticising / irritable / picky / fussy
- arrogant / haughty / smug / aloof
- contemptuous / disparaging / scoffs
and / or...
- sombre / withdrawn / reclusive
- standoffish / eccentric / antisocial
-> fears being defiled
-> deflects using isolation
The Powerful person in trying to escape being vulnerable or seen as pathetic and helpless, can falsely believe they are always powerful and ahead of others. Instead the Powerful person needs to exercise restraint and seek to be mindful and considerate about the feelings of others.
The Peaceful person in trying to escape rejection and made to feel they are never welcome, can falsely believe they are always easy-going and content. Instead the Peaceful person needs to make constructive plans and not put off till tomorrow that which they can get done today.
The Perfection Seer person in trying to escape inaccuracy and the fear of being flawed, can falsely believe they know the only right way. Instead the Perfection Seer person needs to healthily explore and be involved in constructive and enjoyable activities that will broaden their views.
The Enneagram teaches that to be better in well-being and self awareness then...
an (8) is to practice behaviours like a TWO
being empathetic and considerate to others
For an Enneagram 8 to become a better, 'healthier' 8, they must practice the ways of a 2, by defending, caring and championing those who are part of their team or social group. This will result in enhanced and strengthened positive relationships because there will be genuine appreciation for the assistance and generosity so powerfully given.
a (9) is to practice behaviours like a THREE
being decisive and taking action
For an Enneagram 9 to become a better, 'healthier' 9, they must practice the ways of a 3, by getting involved in and taking part in planning and making things become more efficient and successful. This will lead to increasing confidence, unperturbed demeanour and harmonising energy.
a (1) is to practice behaviours like a SEVEN
being open to enjoying alternative views
For an Enneagram 1 to become a better, 'healthier' 1, they must practice the ways of a 7, by pursuing as many of the things that are a positive joy and delight in their lives. Gradually through growing enthusiasm and appreciation, there develops recognition that there can be more than one right way of seeing life's perfections.