Welcome to my website.
My name is Jonathan and this is my eclectic collection of reflections, musings and keen interests.
My mantra is minimize harm and make things better.
It is hoped this site will be in someway helpful to you.
NB: The following photographic images of these, my iconic 'heroes', have been sourced from the internet and are displayed for reference purposes only.
Sadly missed iconic celeb 'heroes', no longer with us, whose impact on me over the years, has been profound.
Who am I? A human being who tries to be and do better each day. I value ethical integrity, honesty and compassion.
As an introverted, intuitive, relational person I also need to anticipate. In other words, my Myers Briggs Type Indicator is INFJ with a 'Harmonising' sub-type as according to the neuro-science work by Dario Nardi.
My Enneagram is 4, which means I am motivated to pursue uniqueness and my enneagram 'triadic' is 4-6-1. This combination I define as the 'distinctive refiner'.
I'm an ex-husband, a disillusioned, ex-churched, Gospel believer, and a medicated depressive. I am also still, a proud father, grandfather and for the past 15+ years, I continue to be a lovingly partnered gay man, having finally come out of the closet at 52 years of age. My gayness, I believe, is a classic example of the epigenetic theory which proposes that hormonal leakage from the mother during the earliest states and stages of foetal brain development, can break through the protein barrier in the womb, thereby masculinising or feminising the genetic expression of differing brain growth regions affecting gender, sexuality, emotionality and cognitive identity. At least this theory makes more sense to me than anything religiously espoused resulting with vulgarities, such as Conversion Therapy or worse!
As an introvert I'm not very social, but I have a select group of friends who are always near and dear to my heart. You know who you are.
I've been a primary school teacher, school principal, a programmer, a team leader, business analyst, data analyst, and more recently a part-time cleaner. I've worked in a mix of commercial and governmental organisations, across the areas of education, electricity, justice, corrections, councils, insurance, employment, immigration services, to mention but a few. I'm also a certificated MBTI Trainer.
I'm reasonably good at landscaping and garden designs but I'm not particularly green-thumbed. Happy to get my hands dirty and work hard, though these days, this is, as and when my 'boomer' body allows!
Along with creative writing, I also enjoy photographing New Zealand vistas.
And of course, I am keenly interested in personality profiling that helps us all to better understand what makes each of us tick.
Thanks for reading... :)