JM Marden's theory of the 4 INQUIRY types - the initial questioning preferences within the MBTI / Kiersey Temperaments framework
SP Sensing-Perceiving
-> more often asking "how? Or who?" or what's the IMPACT?
Initial focus is on assessing implications, consequences, ramifications and repercussions, intending these be pragmatically and prescriptively coordinated for, and accommodated.
NF iNtuitive-Feeling
-> more often asking "where to?" or what's the INFERENCE?
Initial focus is on assessing aims, outcomes, endgame and expectations, intending these be pursued and piloted toward, to achieve required results or resolution.
NT iNtuitive-Thinking
-> more often asking "why?" or what's the INCENTIVE?
Initial focus is on assessing incentives, justification, relevancy and rationale, intending these be probed and proven as a worthwhile engagement or endeavour.
SJ Sensing-Judging
-> more often asking "which way?" or what's the INTENT?
Initial focus is on assessing approach, feasibility, processes and possibilities, intending these be prepared for, and prescriptively mapped out, ensuring right path and progress is made.